Another Plan between Sinopec and Mitsui


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Asia’s Sinopec and Japan’s Mitsui Chemicals have entered into a preliminary agreement to invest yen (Y) 60bn ($667m) to build a phenol plant(250,000 tonne/year) and an EPT rubber plant(75,000 tonnes/year) which were said to be operational by 2013.However, officials were not immediately available for comments. Sinopec and Mitsui Chemicals currently own a 50:50 joint venture that runs a 120,000 tonne/year BPA plant in Shanghai. The successful operation of the joint venture had prompted the decision to expand cooperation to phenol and other downstream derivatives.
2009-11-03 收起回复

陈燕: 中国石油化工股份有限公司和日本三井化学株式会社就苯酚及三元乙丙橡胶的合资项目达成了基本一致,预计两项合资项目的投资总额将达到600亿日元。有报道称,年产25万的苯酚和年产7.5万的三元乙丙橡胶装置将于2013年前投入生产,但相关人士还未作出评论。 中国石化与三井化学于2006年4月以对等出资的方式成立了双酚A合资公司「上海中石化三井化工有限公司」(简称SSMC),该公司12万吨/年双酚A装置已于今年1月开始商业运行。为加强双方合作,中国石化与三井化学于今年4月签署了扩大战略性合作备忘录,双方同意就苯酚及其下游衍生物共同实施可行性研究(FS),同时,也同意就三元乙丙橡胶(EPT)等功能性产品进行合作项目的探讨。

