Yuzhny ammonia exports up slightly in September


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Ammonia exports out of the Black Sea port of Yuzhny totalled 181,301 tonnes in September, up slightly from the 177,900 tonnes exported in August, customs data showed on Monday. Shipments totalled 316,144 tonnes in September 2008. Exports of Russian ammonia reached 159,301 tonnes, down from 164,900 tonnes in August, while Ukrainian shipments totalled 22,000 tonnes in September, up from 13,000 tonnes during the previous month. The main export destination in September was Turkey with 53,488 tonnes. However, this was down on August shipments to Turkey of 61,300 tonnes. Other export destinations were the US (39,859 tonnes), Morocco (23,334 tonnes), the Netherlands (20,000 tonnes), France (19,907 tonnes), Tunisia (16,002 tonnes) and Israel (8,750 tonnes). Shipments in the first nine months of the year reached 1.31m tonnes, compared with 2.67m tonnes in the same period of 2008. Yuzhny is a major trading port in the Black Sea, while Ukraine and Russia are major ammonia trade sources in the world owing to large natural gas reserves. Source:ICIS
2009-10-13 收起回复

陈燕: Yuzhny港9月氨的出口总量为1818,301 吨,较8月小幅上升,8月的出口量为177,900 。2008年9月的出口总量为316,144。 俄罗斯9月氨的出口量达到159,301吨,较8月有所下降,8月的出口量为164,900,乌克兰9的出口量为 22,000,较8月有所上升,8月为13,000。 9月的主要出口目的地为土耳其,共53,488吨,但是较8月来说有所下降,8月为61,300 。 其他的出口目的地为美国(39,859 ),摩洛哥(23,334 ),荷兰(20,000 ),法国(19,907 ),突尼斯(16,002 )和以色列(8,750 )。 09年前9个月的出口总量为131万,08年前9个月总量为267万,下降了一半以上。

